Navigating the Human Experience

Ep. 6 - You Are Alive

Aluemáku Brasunas Season 1 Episode 7
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00:00 | 23:53

Woven within the experience of being human is the simple yet powerful capacity to breathe life into reality. The breath is not just a physical expression of oxygen entering our bodies, but also as the interfacing element between ourselves and the intelligence of lifeforce in our creation, between the material plane and that of the spirit. What a glorious reflection to see and witness that the real human beings we are are permeated with the presence of breath, and that all interactions, all relations, whether enjoyable to our mind or not, are based in the pure exchange of vibrational vitality that informs our every experience.

In these immensely trigger-happy times where we are pushed to react and cling to our intense opinions and fears, it is so necessary to recover the element of balance and of integrity that is the holy breath, the breath that interconnects within and throughout, and which we have been gifted since the beginning in order to have the potential to remember ourselves, to remember those inalienable truths that bind and unite us all as children of the infinite universe, of the Divine Power.

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